Instant Ice Packs


21.53 inc VAT
SKU: N/A Category:

Product Description

No need to place ice packs in the freezer: Simply squeezing the water sachet inside the pack activates them

  • Instant Ice Packs cool the problem area in seconds - Simply squeeze and shake to activate
  • Ideal for emergency pitchside use
  • Ideal to treat; sprains and strains immediately after the injury has happened - the most critical time
  • Ice packs are ideal for all sports injuries particularly when there are no first aid facilities close by

Instant Ice Packs in the workplace

  • An instant ice pack treats multiple injuries, and helps reduce swelling and bruising, and is perfect for an office or workplace as they don't need to be kept in a fridge.

Tests show that when using a Brannan electronic digital thermometer and measuring the temperature every 30 seconds, Sterofreeze Instant Ice Packs:

  • Reduced in temperature far quicker than alternative brands
  • Stayed colder for longer, which is important for faster healing

Packs are safe to use on children

Instant Ice Packs are included in all our First Aid Kits.

Additional Information


Pack of 10


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